Tag Archives: frugaltip

The Dollar

 I live in Canada and most of us are celebrating the rise of our dollar! Weeks ago we were at parity and now we are at about $1.02 so why are we still paying more for what we want?

I think for my shopping this Christmas season I will be going online to take advantage of the best bargains and the high dollar. There are many sites out there that even offer FREE shipping or reduced based on what you spend…

Take a look at http://store.delias.com/, they offer free if over $75 spent and they have some great clothes.

If you are looking for Bling, try www.ice.com  . FREE shipping! Great jewelry pieces..

then of course there is Ebay if you are looking for real deals, just remember do your research ( check out the sellers score and comments)

 With our dollar there are so many ways to use it wisely especially when it comes to how and where we are going to buy this holiday season.